Natarajasana: Lord of the Dance


“Inhaling I draw in all that I need to support my highest intention, exhaling I let go of anything that no longer serves me.”

Happy Spring yoga community! The sun is shining after a very cold cold winter in Canada. Natarajasana is inspired by the hindu god Shiva, the lord of dance and transformation.  One translation for Shiva is wellbeing.

Step by Step:
1) Stand in Tadasana (mountain pose) with feet together or feet slightly apart. Ground down through the 4 corners of both feet.
2) Exhale, shift your centre over your right foot and bend your left knee. Take hold of the outside of your left foot or ankle. Activate the front of your right thigh. To avoid overextension in your lumbar spine activate your core by slightly lifting your pubic bone towards your navel.
3) Inhale raise your right arm up and shine your heart forward while pressing your left foot into your hand. Work towards raising your left thigh parallel to the floor.
Breathe deeply. Hold the posture for 20-30 seconds or according to your capacity.
Repeat on the other side.
1) can increase grounding and balance by practicing with one hand on a wall for support.
2) can increase opening of the shoulder by taking hold of the foot or ankle from the inside.
-Opens the heart and increases sense of wellbeing
-Improves balance and concentration
-Strengthens muscles of postural stability
-Stretches hip flexors, biceps, abdominals and pecs
-if you have a challenge with balance, you can use a wall for support
-untreated high blood pressure
-rotator cuff injury
Reflection: Out with the old, in with the new
This season invites us to refocus our energy and let go of clutter and patterns that no longer serve our highest intention and wellbeing. We step into the new with lightness and an open heart.
In what ways am I cultivating joy in my life this month? Is there anything that I need to let go of to make more space for that too happen?


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