5 Simple Reasons to Join a CSA

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When I first discovered Community Supported Agriculture it made healthy eating so much easier and convenient. I ate out a lot less and awaited my box with anticipation each week. There are many benefits of joining a CSA.

Here is a list of 5 super simple reasons to join:

1. Saves money (if you cook!)
Most CSA members save money compared to a similar amount of quality produce bought at the grocery store or from a farmers market.

2. Saves time, so you’re on time
What you give up in choice, you definitely gain in convenience. Picking up a box simply takes less time that going to the farmers market or choosing, bagging, and paying for produce at the store.

3. Fresh, locally grown produce
This is by far the number one reason for participating in CSA. Farms give their members the very best of their produce.

4. Being connected to the seasons and what grows locally. 
At our home we eat peaches only once a year. They are fresh, juicy and delicious. This year we canned peaches and tomatoes to enjoy during winter months. If eating local and supporting the local food system is important to you, joining a CSA is an easy way to do it.


5. Learn about new vegetables and fruits 
Some CSAs have box options. For example, some farms will give you box options and substitutions based on your preferences and what they are harvesting that month. Sometimes the substitutions are included and other times they cost extra. I really like the surprise of discovering new heirloom varieties of vegetables and the challenge of figuring out what to do with celeriac!


It’s amazing what a difference knowing where your food comes from and who grew it makes. Eating and food preparation can shift from something that you do because you’re hungry to a satisfying ritual that you really enjoy. Also, you’re sustaining the livelihood of a local farmer and supporting ethical farming practices. Many farms hold members-only pick-your-own events for high-demand produce in peak season too! What is your favorite CSA?

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