Why I Love Rachel

A brilliant author, outspoken and courageous woman, crusader, marine biologist, conservationist, environmental activist and keen naturalist, Rachel Carson is my hero and an inspiration to many. Her activism led to important changes in American science policy. Amongst her many contributions to environmentalism, she was first to observe and document the effects and risks that pesticide and herbicide use may pose for bees and monarch butterflies. She was ridiculed by big industry and was not silenced.



In 1957 she was diagnosed with breast cancer and passed away two years after the publication of her book Silent Spring. She left behind a legacy. She is remembered for her pioneering work in exposing the chemical industry and the creation of a program called Responsible Care, established by the Chemical Manufacturers Association to help the chemical industry improve its management in manufacturing and disposing of chemicals. Her story inspires the lives and careers of many that followed her. She teaches us that change is possible and to be the voice for the silenced.


How to become more like Rachel Carson:
1-Speak up for what you believe in, even when it differs from mainstream knowledge.
2-Be graceful.
3-Use resources such as media, writing articles etc. with the intent to educate the mases.
4-Use skillful speech and action. State the facts and avoid using divisive speech when possible.
5-Network and create relationships with organizations big and small.
6-Be strong for the health of our planet, our communities and future generations.
7-Be the change you want in the world and walk the walk.
8-Be humble.
9-Connect to your life purpose and operate from a place of caring neutrality.
10-Be awesome.

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